What do you provide in plug-in support?
>> We provide support on if any bug is observed in plug-in. Also we provide support when WooCommerce or WordPress upgrades and if any issue arises in plug-in because of compatibility with WooCommerce or WordPress.

Do you customize plug-in for client specific requirements?
>> Yes we do customize our plug-in as per client specific requirements. We can also customize our plug-in as per different WooCommerce or WordPress related plug-ins installed like WooCommerce Checkout Manager, WooCommerce Product Add-on etc.

Do you refund once product is purchased?
>> No we do not refund once product is purchased as upon purchase customer gets source code of our plug-in and he/she can use misuse our plug-in.
To avoid this situation we suggest you to:
1. First check our plug-ins demo on our demo site.
2. If any questions regarding our plug-in then you connect us at support@naziinfotech.com.
3. Then if you are clear on your queries you can purchase our plug-in.

Do you provide any update or include new feature in plug-in?
>> Yes we do provide update or include new feature in our plug-in as per client requirements.